other interests
pynchonWiki: #Literature #ThomasPynchon
The Cormac McCarthy Society: #Literature #CormacMcCarthy
The Living Archive of Underground Music: #Music #Underground #CassetteTapes
tapedeck.org: #Music #Nostalgia #CassetteTapes
Classical Net: #Music #ClassicalMusic
ECM Records: #Music #Jazz #ClassicalMusic #ECMRecords
John Coltrane.com: #Music #JohnColtrane
Midnight Oil: #Music #MidnightOil
The Walt Whitman Archive: #Poetry #WaltWhitman
nostalghia.com: #Movies #AndreiTarkovsky
Ludwig van Beethoven website: #Music #LudwigVanBeethoven
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: #Philosophy
The Kafka Project: #Literature #FranzKafka
RSPB | Birds & wildlife: #Nature #BirdIdentification
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis: #VideoGame #IndianaJonesAndTheFateOfAtlantis
L.A. Noire Wiki: #VideoGame #LANoire
Old Book Illustrations: #Literature #Illustration #OldBooks
chessgames.com: #Chess
Half-Life Wiki: #VideoGame #HalfLife
Encyclopaedia Metallum: #Music #HeavyMetal
Dharma Beat: #Literature #JackKerouac
Adventure Gamers: #VideoGame #Adventures
Conan Wiki: #Comics #Conan
Southern Lord: #Music #HeavyMetal #SouthernLord
Surfrider Foundation: #Surf #Nature
Surfer Magazine: #Surf
openMSX: #ComputerScience #VideoGame #Nostalgia #MSX
Raspberry Pi: #ComputerScience #RaspberryPi
Red Dead Wiki: #VideoGame #RedDeadRedemption
AtariAge: #VideoGame #ostalgia #Atari
The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia: #Literature #ArthurConanDoyle #SherlockHolmes
N.D.Pântano do Sul: #Florianópolis #Nature
Peanuts: #Comics #Peanuts
Calvin and Hobbes: #Comics #CalvinAndHobbes
The Iron Maiden Commentary: #Music #IronMaiden
John Carpenter: #Movies #Music #JohnCarpenter
The Tolkien Society: #Literature #JRRTolkien
Johannes Brahms: #Music #JohannesBrahms
Kubrick 2001: #Movies #2001ASpaceOdyssey
Stanley Kubrick: #Movies #StanleyKubrick
Hammer Films: #Movies #Horror #Dracula #HammerFilms
Gabriel Knight Omnipedia: #VideoGame #GabrielKnight
The Vincent Price Exhibit: #Movies #Horror #VincentPrice
Bela Lugosi: #Movies #Horror #BelaLugosi
Red Dead Wiki: #VideoGame #RedDeadRedemption
Snow in Berlin: #Music #TalkTalk